Paul's Oscar Nod (Welcome Blue Hill Co-op!)

Back in '98 when hopes were high and I was seven, Paul Farrell, co-owner/CEO/go kart champion of Union Bagel Co. worked at the Blue Hill Co-op. It was there that he learned how to bake from fellow Portland restaurant owner Stephen Lanzalotta (if you haven't tried Slab yet, please do yourself the favor.) Anyway, the cosmos got real crazy and some wild full circle nostalgia occurred... we are now selling bagels at Blue Hill Co-op, Paul's original baking home!

This is inspiring and I think I am going to make a feature film about it. Jeff Bridges will star as Paul. I don't want to jump to conclusions but I think it will probably be an Oscar winning performance. 

For more information on Blue Hill Co-op, check out their website.

For more information on Jeff Bridges, check out his actor profile on IMDB.